Pizza is quintessential symbol of Italy. Common as it is, there are also a lot curiosities you didn't know about it, so let's see together.
1.玛格丽特披萨/Pizza Margherita
Made the first time in 1889 with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and basil (representing the three color of the Italian flag) by a Napolitan chef as a gift for Queen Margherita.
2. 六十亿/6 billion
Number of pizzas eaten every year are close to 6 billion.
3.世界上最贵的披萨/Most Expensive Pizza In the World
Most expensive pizza in the world worth 8,300€, and it is made by Renato Viola chef (about 59,500RMB).
4.世界上速度最快的披萨师傅/World Fastest Pizza Maker
World fastest pizza maker can make 3 pizzas in 32 seconds.
5.世界上最大的披萨/The Largest World Pizza
Ottavia, the largest world pizza, has a size of 40,09 meters diameter, and was made from 9 tons of wheat 4.5 tons of tomato 4 tons of mozzarella cheese。
6.3D打印披萨/ 3D Pinted Pizza
3D Printing Machine has been created for Pizza!
7.太空披萨/ Outspace Pizza
In May 2001, first outspace pizza delivery by Pizza Hut
8.世界吃披萨锦标赛/ World Pizza Eating Championship
Winner: Patrick Bertoletti, 47 slices in 10 minutes.