2018年5月9日下午,意酒文化促进会启动暨酒商交流酒会(Launch of Italian Wine Culture Association & China Wine Operators Networking Cocktail)将在北京意大利驻华大使馆文化处礼堂举行。意酒文化促进会开幕酒会的主题为“光明大道,结伴前行 Shoulder by Shoulder, Marching on the Luminous Avenue”,意大利葡萄酒在中国市场前景乐观的趋势下,意酒文化促进会联合意大利酒相关的政府机构、产业链上下游资源,共商、共创、共享、共赢意大利葡萄酒在中国市场的发展机遇。
报名链接:Registration Link:
主持人: 执行主编王蓓
Moderator: Rebecca Wang -Executive Editor of WineITA.com
16:30-17:00 签到,自由品鉴(近30家会员单位准备的数十款意大利精品酒款)Registration& Walk-around tasting (Dozens of Italian fine wine prepared by nearly 30 membership-units of the Association)
17:00 主持人开场介绍 Announcement of the beginning by Moderator
17:03 意大利驻华大使馆商务参赞毕乔恩(Giovanni Brignone)先生致辞,宣读大使贺信(恰逢大使返回意大利不在国内)Opening Speech by Counselor Giovanni Brignone of Italy Embassy (Counselor will read the congratulation letter from Ambassador His Excellency)
17:10 意大利对外贸易委员会中国总协调官司凯培(Amedeo Scarpa)先生致辞 Speech by Amedeo Scarpa (Director of ICE-ITA Beijing Office, Chief Commissioner of ICE-ITA in China)
17:15 意酒文化促进会专家委员会主任黄卫东教授致辞 Speech by Professor Weidong Huang, Director of Experts Committee of the Association
17:20 意酒文化促进会发起人、秘书长, 主编Jeff Gong致辞 《光明大道 结伴同行》,介绍意酒文化促进会创立的目的和意义,工作目标和中远期工作规划 Keynote speech by Jeff Gong, the Initiator and General Secretary of the Association, introducing the purposes and meaning, objectives and annual planning’s of the Association,
17:30 与会嘉宾在毕乔恩参赞、司凯培先生的带领下共同启动协会Logo和牌匾,为会员单位授予会员证书,合影With the leading of Counselor Giovanni Brignone, and Mr. Amedeo Scarpa, the association launches its logo and delivers the banners to memberships units.
17:40 意酒文化促进会创始进口商会员代表、会员发展服务部部长王亚林发言, 介绍协会对于酒商会员的意义,意酒酒商会员的准入标准,会员服务的内容 Membership representative Speech by Ms. Yalin Wang, introducing the criteria of membership and services to the members
17:50 意酒文化促进会酒庄会员代表,意大利Moncaro酒庄代表,介绍酒庄会员在中国推广意大利葡萄酒要做的工作Membership representative Speech by Moncaro Winery Representative, introducing the tasks of winery memberships for promoting Italian wine in China.
18:00 酒会嘉宾自由交流 Cocktail/Networking and communication
19:00 酒会结束 End of the Event
19:00 意酒文化促进会开幕会员合家欢晚宴,安酷意大利餐厅(仅限会员单位负责人参加)
报名链接:Registration Link: