汇聚全球顶级厨师餐厅,第九个“意大利美食国际日”(International Day of Italian Cuisines,简称IDIC)即将于2016年1月17日拉开序幕,意大利传统名菜米兰煎小牛排(Costoletta alla Milanes)被定为这项的美食盛宴的官方菜品。风靡于世的米兰煎小牛排原料为乳饲小牛肋排,外撒面包粉的特选肋排在经由黄油煎制后,拥有着独特的味道与口感。
The famous Costoletta alla Milanese, breaded milk-fed veal little rib, fried in clarified butter, will be the official dish of the 9th International Day of Italian Cuisines, which will be celebrated next 17 January 2016 in thousands of restaurants all around the world.
InItaly餐厅的老板、意大利厨师组织主席的主厨马里奥•卡拉米勒(Mario Caramella)与itchefs-gvci.com网站、IDIC主管罗萨利欧•斯卡帕托(Rosario Scarpato,音译)共同宣布了官方菜品的诞生。“意大利美食国际日”已连续举办九届,在2016年的盛会中,来自超过75个国家的数千名厨师,将用最原始最纯正的烹调方式,来精心制作自己的米兰煎小牛排。国际日还邀请包括沃尔特•波滕扎在内的多位知名大厨组成委员会,来协调活动中的交流工作。
The announcement has been made by Chef Mario Caramella (InItaly Restauraunt Chef Patron Singapore e GVCI Presidente) and Rosario Scarpato, www.itchefs-gvci.com and IDIC director. For the ninth year in a row thousands of chefs and restaurateurs in more than 75 countries will prepare the Costoletta alla Milanese, according to the original recipe. The Steering Committee will have many chefs all around the world including Chef Walter Potenza, who will coordinate the communication of the event.
The IDIC was born as a reaction against the systematic forgery of Italian cuisine and products. It aims at protecting the right of worldwide consumers to get authentic and quality Italian cuisine when they go to eateries labelled as “Italian”.
过去的几届盛会中,多道意大利传统菜品已经作为官方菜品向世人展示,其中就包括:意大利培根鸡蛋面、提拉米苏、博洛尼亚肉酱面、意大利青酱、红酱意大利面、eggplant parmigiana(帕尔马干酪烤茄子)。1月17日,IDIC官网(http://idic.itchefs-gvci.com/)还将将所有菜品的原始菜谱、菜品历史照片以及厨师餐厅列表加入官方网站。
Among the celebratory dishes of the past editions there were Spaghetti alla Carbonara, Tiramisu, Tagliatelle al ragu bolognese, Pesto, Spaghetti with tomato sauce and eggplant parmigiana. Soon on http://idic.itchefs-gvci.com/ will be available the original recipe, the history of the dish, pictures and the list of chefs and restaurants that will put in their menu, on the 17th of January 2016, this tasty dish of the Italian culinary heritage. As usual they will be the protagonist of the event.
January 17 is a date of great symbolic importance. It’s the day of the catholic feast of Sant’Antonio Abate, one of the most popular saints of Italy, the patron of domestic animals, but also of butchers and salami makers. On this day, according to tradition, the Italian Carnival begins, that period of the year during which, since unmemorable time, it’s “licet insanire,” transgressions are tolerated and good, rich food is celebrated and, along with this: cooking.